美国习惯用语: Lesson 257 - on top of the world / off the top(在线收听

我们今天要给大家介绍的两个习惯用语里一个关键的字就是:top。要是你站在一个高高山峰的顶上往下看,下面到处是村庄、山冈和河流,你会感到你好像是站在世界的顶峰,有一种兴奋的感觉。这就是我们要讲的第一个习惯用语:On top of the world. On top of the world从字面来解释,它的意思是:在世界的顶峰,但是,作为习惯用语,它的意思就是:非常得意,非常高兴。下面这个例句里说的是一个身体有缺陷的韩国年轻人。但是由于他在学校的成绩优秀而被美国一个大学的研究院所录取。下面是一个人在对此表示感叹。

例句1: Who would imagine somebody like Lee could even graduate from college - confined to a wheel chair! Now he's going to America all by himself. Nobody could feel more on top of the world right now!





例句2: I really admire Alice. Thirty years of hard work raising kids. Her youngest son just got married and all her children are doing well. She tells me she's on top of the world now for the first time in her life.



我们现在来讲第二个以top这个字为主的习惯用语。Off the top of one's head. Head在这里就是人的头。 Off the top of one's head是美国人经常用的一个习惯用语。它的意思是:没有经过仔细考虑或仔细计算。我们来看看在日常生活中off the top of one's head是怎么用的。这是一个负责预算的主管在记者招待会上回答记者的问题。

例句3: Sorry, I can't give you the exact figure off the top of my head. But I guess the percentage of working women in the American labor force right now is about, oh say, 47%.





例句4: You know, I didn't study for this English quiz. So when the teacher called my name, I was frozen. Then standing up to recite the poem, I found myself doing it off the top of my head! Can you believe that?

