
   ZY: As we come to the end of today’s Voices and Votes, let’s take another sideways look at events in Beijing and some of the more unusual stories, away from the politics. Over to you MM.

  MM: Thanks, Zou Yue. Fresh topics are coming out every day especially in Tiananmen Square, a perfect destination for tourists, journalists and even NPC deputies to find out something for fun.
  MM:谢谢。每天都有新鲜事发生,尤其是在天安门:这样一个让游客,记者以及人大代表可以发现趣事的最佳地点。 Security dogs have been vaulted into the spotlight today, for their new appearance--with dog boots. Police say that’s to ensure their paws don’t scratch the paintwork on cars and to protect them from glass fragments during security checks. The boots are skid-proof and tailored for comfort to allow the dogs to carry out their work to an optimum level.