美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-11-06(在线收听

 1. President Barack Obama enters the final hours of the 2012 presidential campaign with an edge in the hunt for the 270 electoral votes needed. He also needs more ways to reach that magic number.

2. On this Sunday before election day, the President says he is willing to work cross party lines to end gridlock in Washington. He also said that he would not give up any key Democratic measures.
3. Republican Mitt Romney is renewing his pledge to work with Democrats about on Capital Hill if elected, but the Republican Presidential candidate says it will begin to repeal President Barack Obama's house care law on Day 1.
4. And a blindfolded child reached into a crystal chalice and pulled out a slip of paper, and Egypt's Coptic Christians had a new pope, the 118th pope of the ancient Coptic Orthodox Church.