美国习惯用语:776 burn at the stake(在线收听

   今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:burn at the stake. 大家都知道,burn是烧的意思; stake是木桩的意思。Burn at the stake原指中世纪的时候,异教徒在火刑柱上被烧死。不言而喻,作为习惯用语,burn at the stake就是指极其严厉的惩罚。

  不久前,我应邀去参加一个非常正式的晚宴。为此,我专门出去买晚礼服。看到一件喜欢的,售货小姐向我保证,绝对不会缩水。你猜怎么着,宴会过后,一下水就抽得不能穿了。两百块的衣服就穿了一个晚上,气得我够呛。这种欺骗顾客的人就应该被炒鱿鱼,英文里就可以说,She should be burn at the stake.
  例句-1:I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling better. Then I found out that the medication I bought over the Internet was fake. I hope that the authorities arrest the criminals who are responsible and jail them for the rest of their lives. They deserve to be burned at the stake!
  现在卖假药的问题越来越严重,实在是害人不浅,老年人尤其容易受骗。不久前,有人打电话给我姨妈,自称是她的保险经纪人,要走了她的信用卡号码。这个骗子被抓住时,我姨妈已经损失将近一千美元。警察告诉我说,he will be burning at the stake before long.
  例句-2:While mom and dad were out last night, Chucky drove mom's car without asking permission. What's more, he backed it into a tree and now there's a big dent. He's going to be burned at the stake this time. It'll be a punishment he won't soon forget!