英伦广角 2012-02-11 英国哈里王子将重返阿富汗战场(在线收听

   Operation creams niggle. This was Prince Harry during the final stage of his combat training in California last year. Practice over Captain Harry Wales is a combat ready. And could be on the Afghanistan frontline by the end of the summer. He qualified as the best copilot gunner which makes him top gun in the long standing brotherly rivalry.

        “I just hope I can be better than, better than the best, took off to Afghanistan will be fantastic and my best chances with helicopters and to do for a helicopter.”
        “You have already, you’ve grounded yet. So we’ve got ground here.”
        “You’ve got it potentially.”
        Those comments came after Prince’s first tour in Afghanistan in 2008. A forward air controller his role has been calling an air strike after in radio contact with Apache pilots.
        He will now be one of those pilots waiting to be guarded into combats. It’s unlikely the third in line to the throne will return from multi off-duty without having taken lives.
        Any Apache helicopter pilot is gonna be call upon to support the troops in the ground and in doing so, you may will have to kill those enemy forces that attacking our troops.
        At his finger tips, Prince Henry will have a 30-millimeter cannon, capable of firing 1,200 rounds in 2 minutes. It carries CRV7 unguided rockets which can be fitted with warheads for armed or unarmed targets. The infamous hellfire missile could be fired even when the pilot doesn't have direct line in sight. It's one of the most deadly instruments of war.
        Taking off lives as never something you think about emotionally at the time is important to be detached until to be professional.
        Former Apache pilot Charlotte Madison is careful to protect her identity even now and limit of high-profile Prince is not possible and she knows exactly what’s installed for him in Afghanistan.
        Suddenly you could be running at your aircraft and get straight into middle of the fire fight which can go on for hours and hours. And that's intense emotionally make you dreaming. Apache is all ready such high value targets and I think any downside will be far out away by having somebody like Prince Harry fighting alongside the chaos in Afghanistan.
        Harry’s wish to return to the frontline after 18 months of training costing more than a million pounds has now arrived. His deployment with 3-regiment is unlikely before the end of the summer but that subject to his chain of command. But unlike last time there will be no media blackout the Taliban will know that he’s there.
        Paul Harrison, Sky News.