英伦广角 2012-08-04 英国警方打击奥运会“黄牛党”(在线收听

   Money openly changed in hands for those illusive Olympic tickets. The man selling has charged 100 pounds for two judo tickets, well above the asking price. But it's illegal. Our undercover reporter asks why he's selling them.

        My friend's not come and you know what I say.
        Outside the ExCel center, several people are taking advantage of the scramble for Olympic tickets. In full view of a Games official, this man was an Azerbaijan flank to dreamlike shoulder is selling the tickets for the boxing worth 75 pounds.  He says he works for the Azerbaijan Olympic Committee and the tickets belong to officials from his country. He got them for free and charging just 20 pounds. He doesn't speak much English. So the man on the left translates. 
       How much is it?
      20 pounds.
      OK.Thank you.
      All right.
      Those people work in the ministry of Azerbaijan and the ministry gave them these tickets to come here to support their teams. But these people don't give a ****, they just selling and making money. Simple as that. So those tickets are real ones and if you see tomorrow someone wearing Azerbaijan flag just approach them and can buy. Sky news has made efforts to connect the Azerbaijan Committee, but so far no one has been available for comment.
       This is the boxing ticket the Sky News had teamed from the tout. Now I call them picked tickets that it clearly states in the back that they’ve been sold on, it’s void. And maybe it has been adamant the tickets housing will not tolerate it. Already 29 people have been arrested in connection with it. 
        Many have been frustrated by the scariness of tickets despite television pictures showing empty seats. But the reselling of tickets is illegal. Police warned they’ll take robust action against anyone who tries to cash in on the 2012 Games in this way.
        Jane Dougall, Sky News.