
   A类Task 1

  作文题目The bar chart shows the different birth rate in five countries in 2 years.
  写作指导这个柱状图是2元素5项目动态柱状图,这样的图存在两种比:横比和纵比。先讲横比,总体来说,印度和泰国的出生率最高,而西班牙的出生率最低。然后讲纵比:把五个项目分为三组:第一组是泰国、印度和西班牙,它们的出生率都是下降的,然后用in sharp contrast引出索马里,出生率出现了上升。最后讲墨西哥,保持稳定。结论段再交代一下上涨、下降和不变的国家。
  类似真题剑6 Test 4
  A类Task 2
  作文题目In some countries, parents expect their children to spend long time studying both in and after school and have less free time. What are the positive and negative effects on children and society they live in?
  话题分析雅思写作现在想要出新题越来越难,这道貌似“新题”的题目事实上是2005年老题的变题。另外,What are the positive and negative effects? 是所有题型中最简单的,因为一定是“双边支持”型,只需要一段写积极影响,一段写消极影响就可以了。
  类似话题1. Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to hard work when they are young. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (050402)2. Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (071006)3. Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects, while others claim that students should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find interesting. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (090509)
  结构思路正文分两段,一段讲对社会和个人的积极影响,一段讲消极影响。不建议大家采取这样的结构:一段对社会的积极和消极影响,一段对个人的积极和消极影响,这样文章的论点上会比较混乱。 积极影响: 提高学生的学习成绩,从而促进社会经济的发展。(即教育的功能) 消极影响: 首先,长时间学习,而缺乏锻炼,会引发一些列的疾病epidemics,比如说肥胖症obesity,近视眼myopia,甚至糖尿病diabetes。另外,这种教育制度会让学生对学习产生厌恶,并且扼杀stifle有其它才能(如艺术)的学生的兴趣。另外,有些学甚至会逃学skip school/ play truant,甚至沦为少年犯juvenile delinquents. 结论 :这种应试教育模式对学生会有一定的积极影响,但是过重的学业负担也会对学生和社会造成负面影响。
  Task 1 信件类别请求信
  要素回忆Your company is organizing a trip abroad for language training, but the places are limited. Write a letter to your company to apply for it. In your letter, you should say:What your job is in the company,
  Why you want to go, and
  Why they should choose you.
  Task 2 考试题目In many places shopping is becoming a free-time activity, replacing the traditional hobbies of the past. Why does it happen? Is this development positive or negative? (090513)
  类似话题1. In many countries around the world, shopping has turned into a form of entertainment rather than a way of getting what people need. Discuss the reasons for this trend. Is it a positive or negative development? (070512≈060513)2. Nowadays, local shops have been replaced by large supermarkets. Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (081213)
  写作指导本题为“混搭类”题型。第一问是原因,第二问是利弊分析。建议采取五段式,正文分三段,一段写原因,一段写积极影响,一段写消极影响。 原因 :购物方式的多元化。现在有实体店、网店、电视购物等多种方式,人们很容易接触到商品的信息。现代人生活节奏加快,使得一些消耗时间的娱乐活动减少。生活水平的提高,使人们对于物质的需求日益增加。 积极影响 :刺激了社会的消费,促进经济的发展。 消极影响: 引发消费主义consumerism和物质主义materialism,造成浪费,并引发拜金主义money-oriented mentality.