
   小作文: 表格题,欧洲一个国家的人们2000年和2010年对环保问题做的调查,一共三个表格,第一个关于循环利用,是否觉得有必要推广, yes, no, don't know; 第二个how often do you use environmentally friendly products, like glass, newspapers, etc.,第三个,how often 购买环保产品。整体趋势就是讲究循环利用和环保的人越来越多,不讲究的或者不知道的越来越少,没有异常数据出现。

  大作文: When designing a building,the most important thing to take into account is the intended use of the building rather than its outward appearance. to what extent do you agree or disagree。
  相关旧题: 2005年12月17日
  It is more important for a building to serve a purpose than to look beautiful. Architects shouldn’t worry about producing building as a work of art. Do you agree or disagree?
  1 建筑的基本目的是‘有用’‘结实’
  2 注重功能可以节省成本,保证安全
  3 人口和城市化的压力使建筑更加注重功能
  1 人类对美的追求是自然的和特有的
  2 建筑之美体现艺术的高度和文化的繁荣但是:它并非建筑的本质
  I agree with the view presented above that function should come first in architecture, although I have no intention to deny that beauty is also an important element. (非谓语+同位语从句+让步状语从句+宾语从句)
  In essence, any building is constructed to serve a purpose, which might beaccommodating, storing, recreating, entertaining, manufacturing and so forth. Therefore utility is widely recognized by most architects and the general public as well. It is especially practical today to consider such characteristics asspatial grammar, convenience, firmness, material cost and construction speed in the residential construction due to the stress on house access from the increasing population and the development of urbanization. Focusing on function is also a cost saving practice as various ornaments which serve no obvious function would be simplified at the greatest extent or even eliminated. (定语从句+被动句+形式主语+动名词+因果从句)
  However, artistic structures can be seen in many places around the world. Human has the nature to pursue beauty and express their feelings through art worksand architecture definitely is one of them by which this goal can be achieved. Over emphasis on architectural function tends to global similarity as international tourists have witnessed. In contrast, a building with certainaesthetic value is always unique and therefore adorned by local people or even foreigners and cherished as a cultural treasure, such as the Bird’s Nest and theWater Cube in Beijing which have been not only an ordinary Olympic stadium or a swimming pool but also a hot tourist spot due to their unique splendid exterior. However, the external appearance should not be the most important consideration as a good looking but less useful building is just a waste of substantial resources such as wood, steel, cement, energy sources and labor force, all of which have to be invested in construction. (被动句+并列句+定语从句+方式状语从句+对比句+not only but also+因果从句)
  In my personal view, it would be ideal that a building satisfies both functional and aesthetic aspects. If these two cannot be achieved simultaneously, then function should be taken as the priority instead of the outward look. (形式主语+条件状语从句+被动句)
  1. Present 展示
  2. intention 意图
  3. In essence 本质上
  4. serve a purpose/ function 达成目的, 实现功能
  5. accommodate 容纳
  6. utility 有用
  7. recognize 认可
  8. practical 实用的
  9. spatial grammar 空间规则
  10. residential居民的
  11. practice 做法
  12. ornament 装饰
  13. simplify 简化
  14. at the greatest extent 最大程度的
  15. eliminate 去除
  16. artistic structure 美的建筑
  17. art work 艺术作品
  18. architecture 建筑
  19. aesthetic 美学的
  20. priority 优先考虑的事
  21. adorn 喜爱
  22. cherish 珍惜
  23. cultural treasure文化瑰宝
  24. Bird’s Nest 鸟巢
  25. Water Cube 水立方
  26. stadium 体育场
  27. tourist spot 旅游点
  28. splendid 壮观的
  29. exterior =external appearance 外观
  30. unique 独特的
  31. consideration 考虑的事
  32. substantial 大量的
  33. satisfy 使…满足
  34. simultaneously 同时