英语访谈对话 216 High School(在线收听

   Todd: OK, Sophie, we're going to talk about high school. What was high school like?

  Sophie: It was great. Lots of fun. Lots of friends. Learned quite a bit at school.
  Todd: So, what did you study in high school?
  Sophie: I studied mainly sciences actually.
  Todd: Oh, really!
  Sophie: Biology.
  Todd: Did you study science in college?
  Sophie: Yes! Oh, No! I didn't. I went on to do a bachelor of technology.
  Todd: Oh, really. Well, that's kind of similar.
  Sophie: Kind of similar. Related.
  Todd: OK, what did you do in high school? Any clubs or anything?
  Sophie: Yeah, I did rowing for the school. I played basketball, played tennis, was on the swimming team.
  Todd: Wow, you're quite athletic. What sport did you like the most?
  Sophie: Rowing.
  Todd: Rowing. Do you still row?
  Sophie: No, unfortunately not.
  Todd: Really!
  Sophie: Would like to.
  Todd: Do you think you'll pick it up some time in the future?
  Sophie: Yeah, maybe, if I'm around a lake or a river.
  Todd: Yeah! Not too many lakes in Tokyo. Um, anything esle? Any other memories about high school?
  Sophie: Yeah, lots of parties. It was good.
  Todd: Sounds like a good time.
  Sophie: Yeah!