英语访谈对话 352 Canada(在线收听

   Todd: OK, hello!

  Jeff: Hello!
  Todd: How are you doing?
  Jeff: Good Morning. Good.
  Todd: Could you introduce yourself please?
  Jeff: I'm Jeff Eagar.
  Todd: Jeff. OK. And where are you from?
  Jeff: I'm from Canada.
  Todd: Oh, OK, where in Canada?
  Jeff: I'm from a little island on the east coast of Canada. A small island called Cape Breton.
  Todd: Cape Breton!
  Jeff: Cape Breton!
  Todd: OK. and where, where do you live now?
  Jeff: I'm living in Japan now, in Saitama.
  Todd: Oh, OK. Alright, um, so tell me about Canada!
  Jeff: Mm, big, big country, very big..
  Todd: Yeah!
  Jeff: Nice country! Clean. Um, friendly, friendly people.
  Todd: YeahJeff: Cheap. Nice..cold, cold winters, long winters, very long.
  Todd: Oh, OK. How much longer do you think your gonna be in Japan?
  Jeff: In Japan? I like Japan. Nice place, and I have a Japanese girlfriend now so I'm not sure that's, with her I'm not sure what, what I'll do so it, it'll be a little while.
  Todd: OK.
  Jeff: But, I like it.
  Todd: Oh, great. All right thanks.