美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-02-08(在线收听

 1. The standoff continues in Alabama where police say Jimmy Lee Dykes grabbed a little boy off a school bus and shot and killed the bus driver who tried to stop him. SWAT teams are outside a bunker where they say Dykes has the child.

2. The Senate is about to put off one Capitol Hill showdown. Lawmakers plan to vote to increase the government's borrowing ability, allowing an estimated 450 billion dollars in new debt to be added to the federal ledger.
3. Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee today. The hearing could be crucial in determining whether he'll win Senate confirmation to succeed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. GOP critics have challenged Hagel's past comments on Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons.
4. Meet Junie, the newest member of the counselling team at a suburban Chicago high school. Schools are trying new ways to help teens cope with increased stress by introducing furry friends like Junie and allowing 20-minute recess breaks.