美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-02-17(在线收听

1. He is a national hero in South Africa after competing in last summer's Olympics on high-tech artificial legs. But now, Oscar Pistorius is charged with murdering his girlfriend. Police say there has been trouble before at the track star's home, including allegations of a domestic nature. 

2. British police say three men have been arrested by officers investigating the horsemeat scandal in Europe. The arrests come after Britain's food regulators said that horsemeat tainted with an equine painkiller may have been sold to consumers for "some time".
3. American Airlines and US Airways have announced an 11-billion-dollar deal that would create the world's biggest airline. Both the Department of Transportation and the Justice Department must sign off on the merger. It could be several months if not years before passengers see any significant change.
4. Three lucky couples have celebrated Valentine's Day weddings at the Empire State building. They won Thursday's weddings by submitting their love stories to the landmark skyscraper's Facebook page.