美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-04-10(在线收听

  “Oh, my sir, looks like you got a bad case of true daddies, the woodsman's companion bed-bugs.
  Bed bugs are notoriously tough to Germany, many populations have already evolved resistent to common insecticides. But they do have a non-chemical enemy-kidney bean leaves. The leaves microscopic hairs pierce the bugs' feet, trapping them just after a few six-legged steps. It's traditional anti-bug measure in the borkins. And tests have shown that the leaves to be remarkably effective, but only when freshly picked, meaning it is not the most practical tactic for city dwellers. So researchers tried some synthetic alternatives. They create molds of the leaves and cast 158 replicas, using various plants like polymers. The synthetic leaf surfaces looked identical to real leaves, each spotting tens of thousands of sharp hooked hairs. But they didn't appeal trapped bugs in the lab. They just snag them a momentarily-the ling that match toward blood. There was the result appears in the Journal of the Real Society Interface. The researchers are still hunting for the bean leaves secret. If they discover it, they say it could be a nifty way to treat infestations without pesticides. As long as the thought all those blood suckers trapped and squirming under your bed won’t bug you all night.