英伦广角 2013-05-11 移民改变人口构成 英国白人成少数名族(在线收听

 The makeup of many areas in England and Wales is changing.Almost half of people of ethnic minorities now living in areas where white British people are the minority.One of those areas is the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

People that live here are traditionally English people.They are becoming like,you know,needles in the haystack,obviously.
I don't see there are so many white people go outside.
In some areas the pace of change is rapid.One of the reason is because some British people who are white are choosing not to move to areas where they would be in the minority,while others are choosing to move away.
Our family just moved ,almost my family moved away because of it.They have moved to A.Why is that?Because they feel that they are minority now.
I just love the variety of nationalities and different things,organizations that people have.
When Triva Phillipes was the head of the Commission for racial equility,he gave this warning.
We are sleepwalking our way to segregation.
That speech was made eight years ago.
We are seeing much concentration in some of the towns and cities.And I think this is something we should worry about.In recent year 2001,the last census found only 25% of the ethnic minority population,one million people,25% of a much more I think than the minority population,then live in the areas where the majority were minority,where the white British population were the minority.And it was 25%,it has gone up from 25% to 45% in just ten years.
The resurge also shows that some rural areas are becoming more diverse.It is another example of the changes happening across England and Wales.