美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-04-03(在线收听

  1. The White House says the US is fully prepared to defend its allies in the region as communist North Korea continues to threaten South Korea with bellicose rhetoric. Pyongyang has warned Seoul that their shared peninsula has entered a “state of war”.
  2. More than 400 patients of an oral surgeon accused of unsanitary practices showed up at an Oklahoma health clinic Saturday, hoping to learn whether they were exposed to hepatitis or the virus that causes AIDS. Thousands of patients of Doctor W. Scott Harrington are being warned that poor hygiene at his clinics created a public health hazard.
  3. After putting his mark on the Catholic Church in recent weeks, Pope Francis celebrated a trimmed back Easter Vigil service at St. Peter’s Basilica. The Saturday’s service recalls the period between Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday.
  4. Grammy Award-winning producer Phil Ramone has died at the age of 79. No word on what caused his death. Ramone worked with the biggest names in the music business, and won 14 Grammys.