美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-04-08(在线收听

  1. President Obama is planning a trip to Connecticut next week to step up pressure on Congress to pass gun control legislation. He’ll speak at the University of Hartford and families of those killed in Newtown, Connecticut are being invited to attend.
  2. A study sponsored by the NRA is recommending US schools train and arm at least one staff member. The study was headed by former congressman Asa Hutchinson. It does not include support for expanded background checks which will be debated in the US Senate next week.
  3. The US says it would be extremely alarming if North Korea were to restart its long-closed nuclear reactor. North Korea said it plans to ramp up production of nuclear weapons material as tensions have spiked on the Korean peninsula.
  4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average touched another record high following strong reports on auto sales and factory orders. Orders to US factories rose 3% in February, the best gain in five months.