美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-06-20(在线收听

  1. President Barack Obama says the US will host the first round of negotiations for a broad new trade deal with the European Union. Talks are scheduled to start next month in Washington. The comments come as Obama prepares for the Group of 8 Summit in North Ireland.
  2. Officials in India say days of torrential rains and floods have killed at least 23 people. More than 50 are still missing. Emergency workers are struggling to evacuate more than 10,000 people stranded along a mountain pass leading to a Hindu religious site.
  3. The FBI is searching a field in suburban Detroit for evidence connected to the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. Officials declined to comment further, saying the warrant is sealed. Hoffa disappeared from an area restaurant in 1975.
  4. Former NFL star, Chad Johnson is freed. Johnson formerly known as Chad Ochocinco was released after apologizing to a Florida judge for the lack of respect he showed the court when he slapped his attorney on the backside last week during a probation hearing.