NPR 2012-12-07(在线收听

  NPR 12.07 Homework
  From NPR news in Washington, I am Kova Coman.
  Senate republican leader Mitch McConnell called for vote today on whether to let the president Obama control the U.S debt limit. Senate majority leader Harry Reid then brought the bill froward for a vote, but McConnell blocked it, Senate majority leader Reid had said he had more than 50 votes to pass the legislation in the 100 member Senate. Republicans are now demanding a super majority for the bill that would require at least 60 votes.
  Michigan state police pushed back protesters in the Michigan state Senate today with chemical spray. The protesters are at the capital in Lansing with the Michigan legislator is considering passing right to worker laws. There is would ban unions from requiring non-union workers to pay dues to support union activity. Michigan public radio net worker Rick Boluta  is at the capital, he says all four stories of the rotunda are jammed with demonstrators." Every floor is sort of surrounded by the protesters, you can hear them chanting behind me, and they are just trying to make as much nosies as they can, and hoping that the legislators in the chamber on either side of them will hear them." Rick Boluta, reporting.
  A former Navy sealer has been charged with attempting to share  classified information with Russia. The justice department says      Robert Patrick Hoffman unknowingly passed documents to FBI agents. NPR' s Gary Johnson reports he faces life in prison if convicted. Robert Hoffman spent 20 years in the Navy where he had an access to secret programs in operations, until he retired last year. The U.S attorney in Virginia says Hoffman tried to give classified information about ways to track American submarines to the Russian government. But Russians warned at the October 21st meeting, instead Hoffman that was FBI agent posing as foreigners. The justice department says Russia broke no laws in this case. Gary Johnson, NPR news, Washington.
  Egyptian's protesters are gathering again in front of the Egyptian presidential palace, this is a day after opponents of Egyptian president Mohamed Mulsi faced off  with his supporters in the violent clash that killed several people. NPR 's Sahaa Sahadi Nelsen is there and says there is only one sain/sign president now, president Mulsi's opponents. " There is different from last night stays, besides different mood, it's a back/bad, back/bad, different republicans are known, have set up tent and broad wire around or I think it's locking up three. They are not letting protesters get closed as they did before, the officials for the military have said they are not hear to repress or suppress the protesters but they are trying to keep someone in order and prevent any confluence that occurred last night between pro-Mulsi's supporters and anti-Mulsi's supporters. NPR 's Sahaa Sahadi Nelsen.
  On wall street, the Dow-Jones industrial average is up 18 points at 13052, this is NPR.
  U.S republican senator James Dimanda in South Carolina is resigning his seat, he is leaving to become the head of the conversative think-tank---the heritage foundation. Dimanda says he is stepping down because the conversative movement needs leadership in the marveled ideas. His resignation opens the way for South Carolina governor Nicky Haley to appoint his successor. She is also a republican and has not hinted who she is thinking of naming to take over the demand seat.
  Italian authorities has discovered a centuries-old Egyptian's Sphinx, that was about to be sold on the black market. NPR 's Sofia Po Julie reports it came to light and probe into trafficking in antiquities. " The work is in Egyptian grand sculpture of Sphinx dating for perhaps fourth century B.C, Italian task police said it was found on the outskirt to Roma last week, it was inside a box hidden in a green house near an ancient Etruscan acropolis. An Italian and a Romanian were under investigation. Task police major Marcey Moluoxi said this things about 2 feet tall and 4 feet long, and probably adorned first century B.C Roman villa at the time when egyptian 's sculptures were fashionable. The Sphinx will fined in U in Roma's Vela Juliet museum which specializes in Etruscan antiquities. Sofia Po Julie, NPR news , Roma.
  The U.N 's secretary general Ban Ki-moon is asking Syria president Bashar al-Assad to avoid using chemical weapons under any circumstances in the Syrian civil war. The secretary general said Assad letter, but also talked with the head of the world organizations against chemical weapons, and said Syria's decision to use them would be an outrageous crime with dire consequences.
  I am Kova Coman.NPR news.