听播客学英语 166 春天(在线收听

   is April, and the spring has arrived, even here in Birmingham. When we talk about the spring, what sort of things can we say? What words and expressions do we use? Here are some examples:

  In spring, the days grow longer. We put our clocks forward by one hour at the end of March, so that there is more light in the evenings after work.
  The days get warmer, too. But there can still be cold days, and sudden showers of rain. There is a little rhyme which goes:
  March winds and April showers
  Bring forth May flowers.
  The daffodils bloom in the garden, and there is blossom on the damson trees. The leaves on the trees begin to open.
  The birds sing in the trees, and they start to build their nests.
  In the garden, we sow the first seeds, and plant potatoes. We mow the lawn for the first time this year.
  We go for walks in the country to enjoy the spring weather. We see lambs and young calves in the fields, and rabbits in the woods, and primroses in the hedgerows.
  In fact, it is such a nice time of year that I am going to take a break for the next two weeks. The next podcast will be on about Wednesday 18 April. To keep you company until then, here is some music. It is by Robert Schumann, and it is called Fruehlingsnacht, which is German for Spring Night. It is played by Leon McCawley and it comes from Magnatune. There is also a short vocabulary note with this podcast.