听播客学英语 194 圣诞市场(在线收听

   In December, in many towns in Germany and other countries in northern Europe, there are Christmas markets. Some of them are very famous, and tourists come from a long distance to explore the markets, buy Christmas gifts and enjoy the atmosphere. Here in Birmingham we have our own German Christmas market. In fact, the German market in Birmingham is the largest German market outside Germany and Austria. Most of the stall-holders come to Birmingham from Frankfurt, which is one of Birmingham’s twin cities. In the market you can buy Christmas decorations, candles, little wooden toys for children, German bread, cakes and biscuits, sweets, mulled wine and German beer. There is a roundabout where children can have a ride (and grown-ups too, if they want). There are coloured lights in the trees and on the stalls. The market is popular with people in Birmingham. In the evenings and at weekends, it is crowded with visitors. A few years ago some local politicians tried to replace the German market with a British craft fair, but there was a public outcry and the plan was quickly dropped.

  There are lots of other markets in Birmingham. There is a big fruit and vegetable market where many people go to buy food. There is an indoor market where you can buy clothes, material, hand-tools, CDs, meat, fish and many other things. And there are several Farmers Markets, where you can buy food produced in the area around Birmingham. But the German Christmas market is special!
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