NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-02-18(在线收听

  From NPR News in Washington, I'm Nora Raum
  Senator John McCain said he doesn't think Chuck Haugel is qualified to be defense secretary. But he says his fellow republican should stop blocking a vote. McCain also told NBC meet the press he expected the senate will approve the nomination . Chuck may stay ments and took vote in the united state senate, particularly vise veran, his comments about his Isreal ware trealship and but he will be confirmed . Haugel is former republican senator from Baraco and support president Obama over McCain in the 2008 election .
  Another leading republican is criticizing a draft proposal on immigration. The white house is apparently circulating. But NPR Ja reports the administration says it had yet to propose anything to capitol hill .Republican senator , Florida among the bipartisan group working on immigration legislation . He is faulting the Obama administration for not working with republican on the draft done by the USA today . And he said the rehash fill policies but Democrat Senator Char New York says he expected bill to emerge . We told Senator Robi and fully onboard with our press . I'm very helpful that in March we will have the bipartisan bill . Sh is speaking on CNN state of Union . According to USA today, the draft would create special visa, and laid out pass the legal residency with 80 years . NPR news Washington.
  The forecast for Southern New England today, more snow perhaps ten inches in some places. This followed huge storm last weekend and left 2 to 3 feet of snow. Forecaster say wide out condition are possible with winds gusting strong as 55 mile an hour .
  Officials in Bahrain say 8 people have been arrested on suspicion of being part of terrorism trained by Iran and its allies. NPR Peter reports violence in capital Bahrain continued over the weekend .In statement on its website and on twitter the administrate in terriy said 8 person suspected terrorism receiving training or funding from Iran, Iraq, Shiite in Lebanon . Bahrain has long charged the majority of Shiite protesters are influenced or directed by Iran . But as current case, no evidence have tangible support and has been made public . Police used tear gas to quell volatile cartel through protesters Saturday after funeral of teenage who have been killed by security force during earlier clash marking Bahrain unsuccessful Arabia spring uprising. The government is trying to engage opposition representatives in the reconciliation dialogue. Peter Ckany NPR news Istanbul .
  Several car bomb exploded in Iraqi capital Baghdad today .Authorities say at least 28 people were killed . The attack targeted shops, outdoor markets and restaurants and mostly Shiite Muslim neighborhood , this is NPR news from Washington.
  Just a week before Italian go to vote, the country reputation for high degree corruption has been in hand by high profile rest manager of major industries. NPR reports the case have revived memory of scandal that devastated Italian politician in 19th . No lance bribe has veiled . Italian authorities have arrested the chief Executive of the oil group Eny , the head of fimate defense firm and former head of finance department of bank moon to the parcik densate , the charge ran from bribing foreign officials to accounting fraud . Outgoing prime minister Made who campaign on the century platform said he will face something very light bribe will . Former prime minister Barg who stepped down 50 months ago who faced several charges of corruption trying to judge for pursuing Kim macnicy . He says the company simply followed the normal business practice in less democrat society .on transparency international index mishearing corruption, Italy ranked 72nd , one of worst scores among the west countries , NPR news Rome.
  At Vatican Pope Benedict gave Sunday blessing at his window over the looking San Peter square today . It was his first since announced resignation at the end of month. Tens of thousands of people around the world, cheer the wave size . He spoken in Italian, English, German, French. Polish, Spanish, Cread . The pope thanks the well-wishers for their support and asked them to pray for him and his successor.
  I'm Nora Raum,NPR News Washington