NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-03-11(在线收听

  From NPR News in Washington, I'm Korva Coleman.
  Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is claiming the United States is working with the Taliban in an effort to keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan. He says the U.S. and militants are scaring Afghans into believing violence will get worse if foreign troops leave. The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says Karzai allegation is "categorically faults".
  The number of refugees in Syria is already passed the one million marks, but this number could double or even triple by the end of 2013 according to the U.N.'s Refugee Cheif Antonio Guterres. He was speaking in Turkey and warned a regional explosion if the Syrian conflict does not end. NPR's Daborah Amos reports from Gaziantep.
  The sharp warning of an even larger refugee crisis by year's end, comes as the numbers of Syrians fleeing the country is raising dramatically. An average of 8,000 civilians cross border everyday. In Jordan, a refugee camp housing more than 100,000 is now the forth largest city in the country. In Lebanon, the projected rise of refugee numbers would make Syrians one quarter of Lebanon's population. New reports of Syrian government air strike on the north central city of Raqqa could drive up refugee numbers in Turkey. Rebels captured Raqqa a week ago, a provincial capital where more than a million displaced Syrians had found shelter. Daborah Amos, NPR News, Gaziantep.
  President Obama could announce as early as tomorrow, his latest cabinet pick. The Associated Press and other news outlets cite sources within the administration. They say he will nominate Justic Department official Thomas Perez to replace Hilda Solis as Labor Secretory. NPR's Elizabeth Wynne Johnson has more.
  Thomas Perez is the assistant to Attorney General for the Justice Department Civil Rights Division where he oversaw federal voting right cases against South Carolina and Texas. Perez previously served as Labor Secretory for the State Maryland after being the first Latino elected to the Montgomery county council. Perez is first generation Dominican American. This second-term cabinet vacancy is being closely watched by Latino groups. The Labor Secretary will play a key role in carrying out the president's immigration agenda. Department will also be at the centre of any further effort to raise federal minimum wage. The president's choice will have to be confirmed by the Senate. Elizabeth Wynne Johnson, NPR News.
  Here is a new leader today in Alaska's Iditarod Sled dog race, Aliy Zirkle is the leader. She overtook yesterday's leader Martin Buser who was now in third place in second Aaron Burmeister. The Iditarod is expected to conclude early this week in Nome, Alaska.
  Daylight saving time started today at 2 am, your time. In most parts of the country you should have set you clock forward by 1 hour. Safety officials also suggests as you change your clocks change the batteries in your smoke detectors. This is NPR.
  European diplomats confirm 7 foreign hostages kidnapped by Nigerian militants have been killed in captivity. The hostages were from Britain, Greece, Lebanon and Italy. The militants made the claim yesterday, saying they'd recently seen Britain warplanes flying near them. Britain said this weekend its warplanes were in West Africa to support French and African troops who are fighting Islamist militant in Mali, they were not on a hostage extraction mission.
  Cyclists are rolling from Newtown Connnecticut to Washington DC to sent a message. From member station WSHU Ebong Udoma reports 26 cyclists began the 400 miles journey on Saturday.
  The cyclists are riding in support of what they described as common sense solutions to prevent gun violence. There is one rider for each victim of December's mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal of Conneticut joined other lawmakers to see off the group. He says they want Congress to take immidate action to reduce gun violence.
  "I am hoping that this ride will help continue momentum for measures in the the United States Senate that will be under consideration this week before the Judiciary Committee."
  The riders are expected to arrive at Capitol Hill on Tuesday. From NPR News, I'm  Ebong Udoma, in Connecticut.
  Wintery weather is ploughing through the midwest today with blizzard warning posted for parts of Kansas and Nebraska. This is the same storm that poured heavy storm on Colorado and other parts of the Rockies this weekend. That was pushing north then east toward Michigan's upper-peninsula and the Great Lakes.
  I'm Korva Coleman, NPR News in Washington.