NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-04-28(在线收听

  From NPR in Washington, I’m W Johnston.
  Charges have been filed against a Mississippi man in the probe into the ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama and two other officials. NPR’s Alice K reports.
  FBI special agents arrested 41-year-old James E D without incident early Saturday morning. Earlier this week, the officials searched to his Tupelo Mississippi home and the premises of former martial arts business he ran. Now he is charged with knowingly developing and possessing the biological agent ricin for uses of weapon. If convicted, that could give him up to life in prison. Letters tainted with the poison risin addressed to President Obama and two Mississippi officials were received in the mail processing facility in Washington area in the aftermath of Boston Marathon bombing. Charges were dropped earlier this week against another Mississippi man after no evidence was found at his home. Alice K, NPR news.
  After a week of widespread delays at the nation’s airports, the Federal Aviation Administration says it is suspending all employee furlough and staffing levels will return to normal within the next 24 hours. The announcement comes a day after congress passed legislation, allowing the agency to withdraw the furloughs. During his weekly media address today, President Obama said the fix for the service destruction this week is nothing but bandit solution. Republicans say the delays could have been averted. NPR’s C S reports.
  President Obama singling out the GOP even though the bill to ease air traffic controller furloughs has both chambers with strong Democratic support.
  “There is only one way to truly fix this question, by replacing it before it causes further damage.”
  The president wants to replace the sequester account with the mix of spending reduction and tax increases. Republicans have rejected that approach and Pen. Republican Congressman Bill S says FAA could have averted the delay on its own.
  “They could have taken into account air traffic patterns and make sure controllers would be in place where they were most needed. Or, they could have reached out to congress and airlines to have plans ahead of time.”, S and President Obama, speaking at their weekly addresses. C S, NPR news, Washington.
  Police in New York City have cordoned off a lower Manhattan construction site where surveyors discovered what appears to be part of the landing gear of one of the planes that crashed into World Trade Center on 9/11. J Richards, a retired deputy fire chief who lost his son in the World Trade Center, says the finding more than 10 years after the attacks only shows the need to do more searching of the area for human remains.
  “… through comprehensive full search of lower Manhattan to make sure we don’t get more surprises as happened in 2007 we found body parts in sewers an manhole covers.”
  Policy say the twisted and rusted arm jack measuring about 3 feet wide was found wedged between two buildings yesterday. The National Transportation safety board is continuing the investigation.
  This is NPR news.
  FBI agents have finished coming through a landfill near the University of Massachussets Star Myth, where the suspect of Boston Marathon bombings was a student. D T remains in a prison hospitalized. Two of his college friends have been questioned by the police but the lawyer says they have nothing to do with the bombing plot.
  Russian police have rounded up and detained around 140 people during a raid on a mosque in Moscow. NPR’s C F reports that the raid comes amid heightened concern about Islamic extremism after the Boston Marathon bombings.
  Russian federal security agency, the FSB, issued a statement, confirming the raid and saying that 30 of the people detained were citizens of unspecified foreign countries. It is not clear whether any charges have been filed against these people who were rounded up. Russian news agency cited the FSB as saying the mosque in question had been visited in the past by people involved in planning and carrying out terrorist attacks. Russia has been the target of many acts of terrorism of the past two decades, most of them blamed on Chechen separatists, operating during the two Chechen wars. The alleged involvement of two ethnic Chechens in the Boston bombings has revived fears of terrorism here. C F, NPR news, Moscow.
  Supreme Court Justice Steven B underwent surgery today at a Washington DC hospital for a fractured shoulder. B sustained an injury after falling from his bicycle yesterday. He is expected to be released early next week. It is the third time that 74-year-old justice has suffered a major injury after falling from his bike.