NPR美国国家公共电台 2013-07-21(在线收听

  from npr news in washingdon,i am nor ram.crowds turned out across the country today for rallies built as justice for martain the 17 year old killed by neighbourhood watch volunteer last year a jury acquitted george zimmeman last saturday.npr's dam bob reports martain's mother attended the event in ny.reven     called on together  to creat a new peaceful movement for change.the long time activist says he wants to fight flaudist     grand law .shart nelsa wants the justice department to prosecute civil rights charges against george zimmeman.martain's mother called the crowd to follow  her in peaceful protest.'   only do our bour to you,to do what i can for martain,i promise you i am gonna work hard fro your children as well,becasuse it is important.fotan says she was hornored somebody took part in the rally.dam npr news,ny.
  hallen tomas died this morning,the journalist grow the great iran club issued a statement that she died in washiingdon of apartment after a lung illness,she was the first woman to join the great iran club,she was a poineer for woman in journalism.tomas began her careers reporter in 1943,she covered 10 she is in 2005 during a white house briefing by press secretary scott meclallen on the war in iraq.'we are fighting them there,so we don't fight them here,so sep 11th taught us.'she once said if she want to in love,going to something else.hallen tomas was 92.
  several car bombs exploded in bagdad today,official say at least 28 people were killed.the bombs went off in prodominently shi-ite commercial district out the iraq capital before sundown when people are out shopping or meeting in coffe shops to break the deaily romdon fast.noone is claimed responsibility.
  finiance officials from the 20 of world's industrilized countries rampted a meeting in russia today,they peomise to promote growth in the sluggish world economy.npr's coray reports the participants say they are still deeply worried about the recession in the euro zone.'the meeting brought together top policy makers from the g20 group of industrilized members issued a communicate that seems to favor a progross policies over the economic casterity that's been pushed by country such as germany.russia which host the meeting was critical of some member governments saying they haven't shown their willing to lower their deficit and debts to improve economic stability.this meeting is preparation for a summit of g 20 leaders that scheduled to be held in st.petersburg in september.coray npr news,moscow.
  this is npr news from washingdon.
  tutkish police fired water cannon to break up a crowd in the park downtown in istanbul today.the gathering was both a wedding party and an anti-government demonstration.hundreds had come after the inventation of the couple who had met during a protest rallies last causity has reported,at least 5 people have died in police crack downs since the demonstrations began in turkey last month.
  crris is set to win the 100 tour de france after finishing 3rd in the 20th stage today.npr's alley reports the 28 year old britain leads by more than 5 minutes and he is not likely to be challenged on tommorrow's traditional pression into paris.'on the second to last day,the biggest loser was 2 time tour winner contator who didn't  into the top 3,so won't be on the podium.the spania has dropped to 4th position overall.interviewed on french radio,contator said he wanted to win but was up against superior rider the powerful crisi .cotana of columbia took the stage win and is 2nd place overall,spania   as 3rd.crsis comes as the second success british winner when he cross the line on shoshelius sunday.brad wigons won last year,the final stage will be under flood light for the first time and its expected to end after dark sunday night. npr news ,paris.
  double a over the way college teams deal with concasions aeeking clash accents  .they want add thousands of applicants.the    association failed adopts strict standards had cites a study that nearly a half of colleague trainners said they would allow players back into a game despite showing signs of .
  i am nor ram,npr news in washingdon.
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