儿童英语读物《神奇树屋》 第一册 Dinosaurs Before Dark 09(在线收听) |
9奇妙的兜风 无齿翼龙滑落到地面上。 它那明亮、机灵的双眼盯着杰克。 杰克该怎么办呢?爬到它的背上去?“但是我太重了。”杰克想。 别多想了。行动吧! 杰克看了看霸王龙。 它开始上山了。它的巨齿在阳光下闪闪发亮。 好啦,别多想了,快行动吧! 杰克把书放进背包里,然后爬到无齿翼龙的背上。 他抓得紧紧的。 这个大动物向前移动了。它展开双翼——飞离了地面! 他们在空中摇摇晃晃,忽而这么摇,忽而那么晃。 杰克差一点跌下来。 无齿翼龙稳定一下自己,然后飞上蓝天。 杰克俯瞰着下面。霸王龙正仰望空中,眼睛一眨也不眨地看着他。 无齿翼龙飞起来了。 它在山顶上空翱翔。 它围着山谷盘旋,在满是恐龙宝宝的那些窝的上空盘旋,在鸭嘴龙的上空盘旋。 接着无齿翼龙飞向一块草地的上空——三角龙正在高高的草丛里吃草。 这真是太奇妙了!这真是一个奇迹! 杰克感觉自己像一只鸟,轻得像一片羽毛。 风吹拂着他的头发。空气闻起来香甜清新。 他“嗬嗬”地叫着,笑着。 杰克难以置信:他现在是骑在远古的会飞的爬行动物的背上! 无齿翼龙飞过小溪,飞过羊齿植物和灌木丛。 然后它载着杰克飞到了大橡树底下。 当他们停下来后,杰克溜下这个动物的背,跳到了地面上。 无齿翼龙又再次起飞,飞向了蓝天。 “再见,亨利。”杰克低声说。 “你怎么样?”安妮在树屋里大声叫。 杰克推了推眼镜。他继续凝视着无齿翼龙。 “杰克,你还好吗?”安妮又喊。 杰克向上望着安妮。他笑了。 “谢谢你救了我的命。”他说,“这真是太有趣了。” “快爬上来!”安妮说。 杰克想站立起来,可他的双腿摇摇晃晃。 他感到有点头昏目眩。 “赶快!”安妮大叫着,“它来了!” 杰克回头一看。霸王龙正笔直朝他奔来! 杰克急忙奔向绳梯。他牢牢抓住绳梯,开始向上爬。 “快!快!”安妮大声尖叫着。 杰克爬进了树屋。 “它正朝大橡树奔来!”安妮叫喊着。 大橡树突然被什么东西砰地撞了一下。树屋像片树叶一样摇晃起来。 杰克和安妮跌进了书堆里。 “快许愿!”安妮喊着。 “我需要那本书,那本画有蛙溪镇的书!”杰克说,“书在哪儿呢?” 他把其他的书推到旁边。他得找到那本关于宾夕法尼亚的书。 它在这儿! 他抓起书,打开它,找着有蛙溪树林的那幅画。 他找到了!杰克指着那幅画。 “我希望我们能回家去!”他大喊着。 萧萧的风声来了。起初还算温柔。 “赶快!”杰克大声喊。 风大了起来,开始飕飕地呼啸着。 树屋开始打转。 转得越来越快。 杰克闭上了双眼。他紧紧地抓住安妮。 然后一切都平静了。 绝对的平静。 9 The Amazing Ride The pteranodon coasted down to the ground. He stared at Jack with his bright, alert eyes. What was Jack supposed to do? Climb on? “But I’m too heavy,” thought Jack. Don’t think. Just do it. Jack looked at the Tyrannosaurus. He was starting up the hill. His giant teeth were flashing in the sunlight. Okay. Don’t think. Just do it! Jack put his book in his pack. Then he eased down onto the Pteranodon’s back. He held on tightly. The creature moved forward. He spread out his wings—and lifted off the ground! They teetered this way. Then that. Jack nearly fell off. The pteranodon steadied himself, then rose into the sky. Jack looked down. The Tyrannosaurus was chomping the air and staring up at him. The Pteranodon glided away. He sailed over the hilltop. He circled over the valley. Over all the nests filled with babies. Over all the giant duck-billed dinosaurs. Then the Pteranodon soared out over the plain—over the Triceratops who was grazing in the high grass. It was amazing!It was a miracle! Jack felt like a bird. As light as a feather. The wind was rushing through his hair. The air smelled sweet and fresh. He whooped. He laughed. Jack couldn’t believe it. He was riding on the back of an ancient flying reptile! The Pteranodon sailed over the stream, over the ferns and bushes. Then he carried Jack down to the base of the oak tree. When they came to a stop,Jack slid off the creature’s back. And landed on the ground. Then the Pteranodon took off again and glided into the sky. “Bye, Henry,” whispered Jack. “Are you okay?” Annie shouted from the tree house. Jack pushed his glasses into place. He kept staring up at the Pteranodon. “Jack, are you okay?” Annie called. Jack looked up at Annie. He smiled. “Thanks for saving my life,” he said. “That was really fun.” “Climb up!” said Annie. Jack tried to stand. His legs were wobbly. He felt a bit dizzy. “Hurry!” shouted Annie. “He’s coming!” Jack looked around. The Tyrannosaurus was heading straight toward him! Jack bolted to the ladder. He grabbed the sides and started up. “Hurry!Hurry!” screamed Annie. Jack scrambled into the tree house. “He’s coming toward the tree!” Annie cried. Suddenly something slammed against the oak tree. The tree house shook like a leaf. Jack and Annie tumbled into the books. “Make a wish!” cried Annie. “We need the book!The one with the picture of Frog Creek!” said Jack. “Where is it?” He pushed some books aside. He had to find that book about Pennsylvania. There it was! He grabbed it and tore through it, looking for the photograph of the Frog Creek woods. He found it! Jack pointed to the picture. “I wish we could go home!” he shouted. The wind began to moan. Softly at first. “Hurry!” Jack yelled. The wind picked up. It was whistling now. The tree house started to spin. It spun faster and faster. Jack closed his eyes. He held on tightly to Annie. Then everything was still. Absolutely still. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/shenqishuwu/223352.html |