
   THE HAGUE, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- The number of registered verbal or physical violence in the Dutch amateur soccer has dropped by 15 percent during the last season, Dutch football association KNVB announced on Tuesday.

  KNVB registered 412 excesses in 274 games on a total of 752.000 games during last season. According to the KNVB the decline is the result of a new approach that was implemented following the death of a Dutch linesman who was assaulted after a youth match last year.
  According to Anton Binnenmars, KNVB director of amateur soccer, the figures show that the new approach is effective. That approach includes heavier penalties such as the removal of teams that misbehave and a faster processing of cases.
  Binnenmars thinks that the death of linesman Richard Nieuwenhuizen has led to more "consciousness within the society."
  "The decline in violence shows that we are becoming more targeted and that we really punish those who have committed violent acts. That does not mean that we don't intervene in case of collective misconduct. Two clubs were withdrawn from the competition during last season," Binnenmars told local media.