济慈诗歌和书信选(英文版)13 To Tom Keats, 25th June, 1818. Endmoor, Cumbria(在线收听

   To Tom Keats, 25th June, 1818.

  Endmoor, Cumbria
  Here beginneth my journal, this Thursday, the 25th day of June, Anno Domini1818. This morning we arose at 4, and set off in a Scotch mist; put up once under a tree, and in fine, have walked wet and dry to this place, called in the vulgar tongue Endmoor, 17 miles; we have not been incommoded by our knapsacks; they serve capitally, and we shall go on very well.
  June 26—I merely put pro forma, for there is no such thing as time and space, which by the way came forcibly upon me on seeing for the first hour the Lake and Mountains of Winander—I cannot describe them—they surpass my expectation—beautiful water—shores and islands green to the marge—mountains all round up to the clouds. We set out from Endmoor this morning, breakfasted at Kendal with a solider who had been in all the wars for the last seventeen years—then we have walked to Bowne’s to dinner—said Bowne’s situated on the Lake where we have just dined, and I am writing at this present. I enquired of the waiter for Wordsworth—he said he knew him, and that he had been here a few days ago, canvassing for the Lowthers. What think you of that—Wordsworth versus Brougham!! Sad—sad—sad—and yet the family has been his friend always. When can we say? We are now about seven miles from Rydale, and expect to see him tomorrow. You shall hear all about our visit.
  The two views we have had of it are of the most noble tenderness—they can never fade away—they make one forget the divisions of life; age, youth, poverty and riches; and refine one’s sensual vision into a sort of north star which can never cease to be open lidded and stedfast over the wonders of the great power of the nature.