经典英文歌曲:ERA《Don't You Forget》 空中的声音(在线收听

ERA《Don't You Forget》:空中的声音

ERA,英文原意为“时代、世纪”,是一个新世纪音乐团体,乐队的领衔人物是法国音乐家艾瑞克·拉维(Eric Lévi)。其音乐融古典、歌剧、格列高利圣咏与当代风格于一体。ERA让听者感受到音乐的大气、磅礴,并带有一丝的宗教色彩,所以在新世纪音乐的乐迷中受到很大推崇。

歌曲:Don't You Forget

Girl: Mom is sick
She says she can't get up
I know my brother is getting hungry
I must go to the village to ask for some food
Would you help me
Boy: Sure, Cony. I'll help ya
Girl: Are you always build case when you with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Cony
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you
Boy: Cross my heart

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all our dreams
Are you gone away
Only emptiness we makes

Girl: Are you always build case when you with me
Boy: You are my friend, Cony
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all our dreams
Are you gone away
Only emptiness we makes
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all our dreams
Are you gone away
Only emptiness we makes
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
