

Egypt Reeling in Aftermath of Wednesday's Violence 周三暴力流血冲突过后埃及仍然茫然失措

CAIRO — Egypt is counting the dead from Wednesday's security operations against supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi.  Government officials say more than 500 people, mostly civilians were killed, while the Muslim Brotherhood says the death toll is in the thousands. 

Egypt is reeling in the aftermath of Wednesday's violence, with funerals under way for those killed during the security crackdown on anti-government protesters.


Despite the month-long state of emergency imposed the day before, supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi took to the streets again Thursday, extending the confrontations.


Government buildings were attacked, while Coptic Christians, accused of backing the July coup against Morsi, worked their way through the rubble of churches destroyed in anger.


Egypt's interim government has justified the move against two protest camps in Cairo Wednesday.  Officials are blaming supporters of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood for the violence, which spread to cities across the country.


And while international condemnation of the operations continues to pour in, many ordinary Egyptians seem to have felt that force was necessary.


“What happened was tragic.  It's one of the traumas of the nation," said political analyst Hisham Kassem.  "However, Egyptians want to get back to normal life.  They feel that the state was quite patient with the people in the sit-ins in Rabaa and Nahda and used up all options before resorting to violence, and were very cooperative yesterday when a curfew was called on the hopes that this will help the state put all of this behind them."

“发生的事情肯定是个悲剧。这是一个国家的创伤,“ 政治分析师希萨姆·卡塞姆说道。“然而,埃及人想回归正常的生活。他们感到这个国家非常有耐心,因为人们在拉巴和纳达静坐,用尽浑身解数之后才诉诸暴力,而且昨天呼吁宵禁的时候非常合作,希望有助于帮助这个国家。

The state of emergency is expected to last one month, and along with nighttime curfew in Cairo and other governorates, several key institutions remain closed, including banks and the stock exchange.  

紧急状态预计将持续一个月, 而且连同开罗和其他地方行政区的宵禁一起,包括银行和证券交易所在内的几处关键机构仍然关闭。

And the Brotherhood and its supporters have vowed to keep up their protests - in one form or another  -  making a return to normal life in this divided country seem far away. 

