标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 2 Track 18(在线收听


The Miracle Technique                                                     CD 2 Track 18 

Reg aining  Lon g -Lost Listening Skills  

The trouble with starting accent training after you know a great de al of English is that you know a great deal  about  English. You have a lot of preconcepti ons and, unfortunat ely, misconceptions about the sound of English.  

A Child Can Learn Any Language 

Every sound of every language is within every ch ild. So, what happens with adults? People learn their native language and stop listening for the sounds that they never hear; then  they lose the ability to hear those sounds. Later, when you st udy a foreign language, you learn a lot of spelling rules that take you still further away from the real sound of that language—in this case, English. What we are going to do here is teach you to hear again. So many times, you've heard what a native speaker said, translated it into your ow n accent, and repeated it with your accent. Why? Because you "knew" how to say it.  

