Asiana Crash Landing: Vehicle May Run over Chinese Victim(在线收听

  Photo taken on July 8, 2013 shows a picture of Wang Linjia (R) and Ye Mengyuan on a mobile phone, at Jiangshan Middle School in Jiangshan, east China's Zhejiang Province. Two Chinese passengers, Wang Linjia and Ye Mengyuan, were killed in a crash landing of an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 at the San Francisco airport on Saturday morning. The two girls are both students of Jiangshan Middle School. Their family members headed for the United States on Monday. [Photo: Xinhua/Han Chuanhao]
  Related: Asiana Airlines CEO Denies Inexperience of Pilot
  US investigators have been reviewing airport surveillance video to determine whether an emergency vehicle ran over one of two teenage girls killed in Saturday's Asiana Airlines crash in San Francisco.
  So far authorities say they have not been able to reach any conclusions.
  CRI's Su Yi with the latest update.
  US National Transportation Safety Board Chair Deborah Hersman is describing the possibility one of the two girls who died was run over a "very serious issue."
  "We are reviewing video, airport surveillance video, to understand also what happened and I will tell you, at least the initial read of the video by our investigators, they shared with me that it wasn't conclusive, so we really need to work and talk with people, conduct additional interviews and let the coroner do their work."
  A fire department spokesperson says the Chinese teenager had "injuries consistent with those of having been run over by a vehicle."
  Autopsies to determine the cause of death is still underway.
  The Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 slammed into the runway at San Francisco airport Saturday morning, leaving two Chinese middle school students dead.
  The crash also left 180 others injured.
  Six are still in critical condition.
  The two girls killed were among a group of 30 students and five teachers from Zhejiang.
  They were on their way to a summer camp in the United States.
  Meanwhile, Asiana Airlines Chief Executive, Yoon Yong-doo, is dismissing speculation one of the pilots was too in-experienced.
  However, the airline does conceed one of the pilots of the Asiana plane was still "in training" for the 777.
  "A senior pilot was in charge of the flight. So I cannot tolerate the speculation. I would appreciate if you understand that it is not true. We expect all flight records and analysis be available after decoding of the black box has taken place."
  South Korean transport officials say it was the pilot's first time landing a 777 at the airport in San Francisco.
  He did fly to that airport 29 times on different types of aircraft.
  The initial investigation shows the jet was flying too slowly when it approached the runway.
  The plane's crew tried to abort the descent less than two seconds before it hit a seawall.
  The impact ripped off the plane's tail.
  The plane eventually came to a standstill and eventually caught fire.
  As the investigation takes place, the parents of the Chinese victims are heading to the US.
  They include the relatives of the teenage girls who were killed in the crash, as well as another two Chinese nationals injured in Saturday's crash.
  "We will go to the hospital first. We still don't know exactly how injured he is. They have announced the news that he survived, but we don't know anything more detailed. His teacher said he is still there in the intensive care unit."
  Meanwhile, Chinese foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying says the US government is cooperating with the Chinese side.
  "The U.S. side has already expressed that they will provide whatever help and assistance they can."
  Meanwhile, education authorities in the city of Quzhou in Zhejiang have suspended all summer camps and overseas study tours in the wake of the accident.
  For CRI, I'm Su Yi.