经典英文歌曲:【英乐】Delicate-Damien Rice 请不要温柔的伤害我》(在线收听

【英乐】Delicate-Damien Rice 请不要温柔的伤害我

U2主唱Bono嘴里说出来的话,一般会有很多人买帐。在前不久U2的一次纽约演唱会上,Bono向在场的所有人这样形容当晚的嘉宾Damien Rice:“你将要听到的Damien Rice就如同60年代初期的Bob Dylan,或是70年代初的Cat Stevens和James Taylor,以及另外一些非常出色的歌者。他拥有那种足以平息一场暴风雨的淡然魅力。他真是个非凡的天才!我几乎无法相信世界上竟然真的会有这样的人存在。”Damien Rice 来自爱尔兰,出生于七十年代早期,绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。在 1997 年他组了一个名为 Juniper 的团,前后发行了三张 EP,"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weathermen" 这两首单曲也成为电台热门歌曲,在 99 年 Damien Rice 离开乐团前往 Tuscany,并从此在欧洲流浪了一年。


Singer:Damien Rice
We might kiss when we are alone
When nobody's watching
We might take it home
We might make out when nobody's there
It's not that we're scared
It's just that it's delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've known
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?

We might live like never before
When there's nothing to give
Well how can we ask for more
We might make love in some sacred place
The look on your face is delicate

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?

So why do you fill my sorrow
With the words you've borrowed
From the only place you've know
And why do you sing Hallelujah
If it means nothing to you
Why do you sing with me at all?
