Snowden Granted One Year's Temporary Asylum in Russia(在线收听

  U.S intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has received temporary asylum in Russia for one year.
  Marc Cavigli has more.
  Snowden's lawyer Anatoly Kucherena says he has moved to a safe place, though his whereabouts remain a mystery.
  "Regarding his place of residence, he will choose it himself. He can live both at a hotel and at a rented flat. But because he is now the most persecuted man on earth he will take into account security aspects as well."
  Kucherena says the documents allow Snowden to move freely within Russia.
  The lawyer says Snowden is capable of finding a job in Russia.
  "I have gotten letters from people, from citizens who say they would hire him with pleasure. There's not going to be a problem here. He needs to work. He is not a rich person, and the money that he had he spent on food in the transit zone. Of course he knows that going forward he has to work in order to live."
  The Russian Federal Migrant Service has confirmed the temporary asylum.
  Meantime, the US government says it is "extremely disappointed".
  White House spokesman Jay Carney says Washington is evaluating the scheduled presidential summit in September.
  The US government has revoked the passport of the 30-year-old former American spy agency contractor.
  Snowden has been charged with espionage, theft and unauthorized communication of national defense and intelligence information.
  He angered the US government early June by disclosing secret phone and Internet surveillance programs of the U.S. National Security Agency.
  But at the same time, Jay Carney says the U.S. and Russia have a relationship that is based on "realism" and the two sides have a wide range of common interests.
  For CRI, I'm Marc Cavigli.