Shanghai Book Fair Opens to Attract International Literary A-listers(在线收听

  The annual Shanghai Book Fair has returned, and as it celebrates it's tenth anniversary, organizers say the week-long event has attracted a growing number of international literary A-listers.


  Yun Feng takes us to Shanghai for more.


  The weeklong Shanghai Book Fair has opened to hundreds of thousands of readers here from Shanghai, other parts of the country, and around the world. Held at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre from Wednesday it will host a record number of international literary A-listers giving free book signings and open readings.


  Zhou Siqin is head of the press office of the book fair.


  Ms. Zhou says more guests from home and abroad are invited to attend the Shanghai book fair. And this year, more than 900 literary celebrities will meet the audience. She describes that the book fair is in many ways a carnival of cultures.


  The highlights of the international literary A-listers include Russian-American poet and critic Ilya Kamingsky; award-winning Italian author Paolo Giordano; Canadian science fiction writer Robert J Sawyer; and veteran British cultural commentator Norman Lebrecht.


  It is the first time for Paolo Giordano to come to Shanghai. His second book Human Body has been translated into Chinese, and will be presented to readers at the fair. Talking about traveling to different places and attending book talks, he really regards it as another part of the life he didn't prepare for.


  Prior to the official opening day, dozens of writer and critics from home and abroad already started conversations. Su Tong is one of the renowned Chinese writers attending the forum discussion called Reviewing Literary Reviews.


  When giving his ideas Su Tong says he is deeply worried about the new and complex relationship the book reviews have with this internet age.


  As usual the majority of books are written in Chinese, English or Japanese and are available to buy for a discounted rate around 20 per cent. And this year you've got more browsing time, as closing times have been extended from 6pm to 9pm daily.


  For China Now, I am Yunfeng.
