经典英文歌曲:玩笑人生:张韶涵重新演绎《I started a joke 》(在线收听

玩笑人生:张韶涵重新演绎《I started a joke 》

《我开了个玩笑》(I started a joke )原唱是一个由三兄弟组成的英国乐队Bee Gees。歌曲一经推出就轻而易举的在多个国家登上排行榜的首位,直到今天仍有歌手不断翻唱。 这次带来的是张韶涵的版本。之前张韶涵因为心脏疾病短暂淡出,2009年凭全新专辑的《第5季》带给歌迷们耳目一新的感受。从抒情摇滚主打歌“白白的”,张韶涵唱出了暂别乐坛一年八个月的日子,仿如有再生的感受,由陈伟作曲,李焯雄填词。碟内还力邀了陈俊廷、姚若龙、陈小霞、陈克华等音乐人创作十首新曲,今次小天后尝试以前没有唱过的中低音域唱腔。

歌曲:I started a joke

I started a joke   
Which started the whole world crying   
but I didn't see   
That the joke was on me oh no   
I started to cry   
Which started the whole world laughing   
Oh if I'd only seen   
That the joke was on me   
I looked at the skies   
Running my hands   
Over my eyes   
And I fell out of bed   
Hurting my head   
For things that I've said   
Till I finally died   
Which started the whole world living   
Oh if I'd only seen   
That the joke was on me   
And I looked at the skies   
Running my hands   
Over my eyes   
And I fell out of bed   
Hurting my head   
For things that I've said   
Till I finally died   
Which started the whole world living   
Oh if I'd only seen   
That the joke was on me   
That the joke was on me
