标准美语发音的13个秘诀 CD 2 Track 33(在线收听


Exercise 1-59: Practicing Word Groups                                             CD 2 Track 33 

When I read the paragraph this time, I will exaggerate the pauses. Although we're working on word groups here, remember, I don't want you to lose  your intonation. Repeat each sentence group after me. 

Hello,  my   name is ___________ .  |  I'm takin g American  Accent Training . There's a lot  to learn,| but I  hope to make it as  enjoyable as possible. | I should pick  up on the American intonation  pattern pretty  easily, although | the  only way to get  it is to practice  all of the time.| I use the  up and down, or peaks  and valleys  intonatîon | more than I  used to. I've been paying attention to  pitch, |  too.  Iť s like  walkingdown a staircase. | I've been  talking to a lot of Americans |  lately, and they tell me | that I'm easier  to under stand. | Anyway, I could go on and on, | but the  important  thing is to  listen  well | and sound  good. Well , | what do you  think? Do I?  

+  Next, back up the CD  and practice the word groups three times using strong intonation. Then, pause the CD and practice three more times  on your own. When reading, your pauses should be neither long nor dramatic — just enough to give your listener time  to digest what you're saying.  
