美国科学60秒 SSS 2013-08-13(在线收听

   Yes, the mosquitos are swarming at this time of year. Alaska joke the B.Z. the sate bird. But have you ever looked closely the swarm making mosquitos the nuts images? It is a curious thing. The swarm maintains the kind of shape that moves around. But the bugs inside it seem to flirt around randomly, rather than flocking like birds. These collective yet disordered flight interest physicists in Rome. They shot auto slow motion videos of swarming images. Then they map the flight of each image, and did the mathematical analyses of the collective behavior. Their finding: the motion of the images is not random. The bugs stay far enough apart to avoid knock into a formation. The swarm instead expands as needed to stay just below the reshall? density. The work appears on the site Alkida Work? . Flocks and schools move in formation only once the group reaches the critical density. Below that reshall? the individuals move. Well, like images. Insectivores in full-fledged flocks may be a reproductive strategy. After all, it is hard to mingle if you start a line dance.
