万花筒 2012-01-25&01-28 哈里王子要攀珠穆朗玛峰(在线收听

 Time now for Prince Harry's latest adventure,last year ,we saw him headed the north pole with ABC's .Now he is tackling mountain Everest, one of the ten most dangerous mountains in the world .,and then ABC's Nick Won joines us from the relatively safety in London with the latest ,now Nick I know you be there if you could.

I wouldn't,I possible anti low ,there leads to dangerous that gonna face me today is I might sleep on that damned pro rainy sidewalk here in London,but listen,Prince Harry has an amazing year ahead of him,he is going on his first solo royal tour to the XX, hard trip posting he is go back to war later in the year,but first,as you said ,he is gonna go to the Everest.
If they ever made an action man Prince he had to have flame red hair , buzz motorbikes, buzz women ,buzz helicopters, he is unleashed on the Taliban,walked across the arctic,and now he is headed to the world highest mountain, with the same bunch of wounded soldier, raising money and inspiration .
He disposes not for them but for everybody who would be end up been wounded ,no matter what you can progress with your life , you can do things beyond any imagination you have thought it is impossible.
Harry ice acing hand would spend a week at the top of the world , flanking this Majesty mountain that kills one in ten of those who conquer her summit .
Think if you are royal protection officer ,you probably just have you hand with Harry, I think the only person that could say to Harry,right stop risking you life and all these adventures, would be his grandmother ,the queen ,and she is not likely to say that to Harry.
Because she is head the British arm force,she can't let other grand kids flirt with danger ,go to war and keep wept Harry at home , Harry is heading back to Afghanistan in his Apaches attack helicopter later this year , William the air to the foulness more molecular .
There must be the time when William look his younger brother just thinks I wish I was born second not first ,but certainly William and Harry that's sort of new generation of an young active addictive royalsAnd their induct that the wild wondering dangerous love street whenever they can ,but for Harry this Everest mission, the arctic trek about much more then thrills and spills then impressing the ladies .
I was with Harry and the team from Walking With The Wounded,just before Christmas very genuine,sort of friendship there , I think Harry wants to do everything he can,basically support this guys and throw a bit of light on their dangerous mission .
Keeping the wounded soldiers for fine is in everybody's minds ,because all of us can't get forgotten about,that's very very important for what doing ahead.
Now Harry's only disappointment is he is not gonna make it to the summit thats like three months expedition, Harry can't spend that long in the ten of bunch of smelly guys ,mans need play boy prince, he is got other stuff to do ,he will be there a week ,then that 's coming home,George.
I was listening here ,needs the crack out there. you do kind of feel sorry for William sometime , Harry gets that all the fun.
He does , but William married to Kate, that 's not bad things ,but yeah, I mean Harry gets to do all the fun stuff,because he is one of spares to the air, so no one was really care to much about him ,he has all the benefit and few of the drawbacksExcellent points on Kate,Nick,thank you very much.