万花筒 2012-02-11&02-13 卡佩罗辞职 英足坛混乱(在线收听

 This was Fabio Capello, leaving his knight's beach home in London. His bags packed, his time in England had a end. It was his allegiance to John Terry following accusations of alleged racism. That was Capello's ultimate downfall. And his words of support to an Italian TV channel of the weekend.

No, I absolutely do not agree with it. I talked about it with the chairman, saying that in my opinion, one cannot be sanctioned until the court have taken the official decision and confirmed whether John Terry has committed that felony or not. I think it would have been fair for Terry to keep his position until then. The boss's decision though is legitimate. But they can't rule on ethical grounds.
But support for his position came from another Italian football manager.
I have the same thought of Capello, when, there is no... that he is guilty and so they have to wait. This is no sense but because I know very well John Terry and John Terry is not the racist.
Automatically, the England manager was at odds with the FA's position. And he was quoted by an Italian news agency last night, saying "What force me to take this decision was the fact that this long-instilled sense of Anglo-Saxon justice, of innocence until proven guilty which they are the first to preach was not allowed to run. In the Terry case, I was seriously snubbed and my authority as England manager was undermined creating a problem with the team."
However, the FA has denied that those words attributed to Capello are accurate, which actually meanwhile has come from his colleagues within the game.
I'm really, really dissapointed, dissapointed,disappointed for him. Because he is on right to take the team, flew to the final. He's got the name in the first place. He is a splendid manager. It's proven that over the years. I am really, very, very dissapointed for him.
Being England director led by chairman David Burnsding are expected to announce a temporary solution later today. The timing, though, is extraordinary that his resignation should come at the very same day that his favourite successor, Harry Ridnap was quitted by the Jury, on charges of tax evasion.
It's a difficult situation now with the England camp because of what's happening to John with the call case and the significants to that. I think there might be problems. If you ask me the man I think could control the problems out. And this might be football problems, there will be problems with discord. I think how did he manages.
That's the decision for the FA to make. But after their latest experience, the guidance coming from the players seems to be this. "Our Next England manager should be English.