万花筒 2012-03-13&03-15 英特种部队在尼日利亚营救人质失败(在线收听

 First of all, the Nigerian secret service raided a hideout, the Boko Haram hideout in Kaduna. This led to the arrest of five men, among them a guy called Abu Mohammed who was the leader of kidnap gang. Now after being interrogated for two days, the group finally gave up the locations of the hostages. It revealed the hostages were being held in Sokoto. So the authorities acted immediately after learning that the kidnappers were likely to kill the pair. Special Boat Service commandos were already in the country and the Prime Minister authorized the raid. And they went in at about 10 o'clock UK time. 

The team working with the Nigerian forces rammed the wall compound in Sokoto with an armed personnel carrier, killing one kidnapper at the entrance to the building.And then two others then executed the hostages tried to escape. And the Nigerians say they killed another six. 
We've also since learned that one of triggers, probably the trigger to the whole operation was the day before, we understand some soldiers--we don't know if they are Nigerian or Britains or whether they are Nigerian secret police--but some elements of the security services, one of the two countries were compromised in the area around the compound. What I mean is that they were spotted by the kidnappers. And the kidnappers then became extremely tense. They may, some intelligence indicated they started to talk on telephones about killing their hostages or moving them, because they had been found in that place in Sokoto. So that is the likelihood why so quickly triggered from deployment of special forces into the country cause there is an understood location to a raid rather than any gap for planning.