

Education is Key to Mali Reconstructionl 马里重建,教育是关键

Conflict, flooding and food insecurity have battered Mali over the past few years. Now, with a new president and prime minister in office, efforts are underway to help ensure peace and stability. That includes getting hundreds of thousands of Mali children back in school.


The new school year in Mali begins in October. The government and UNICEF  the U.N. Childrens Fund  have joined forces to launch a back to school campaign. The theme is Peace is Back and so is School.


UNICEFs representative in Mali  Francoise Ackermans  said every effort needs to be made to make this school year much better than the last.

联合国儿童基金会在马里的代表 - 弗朗索瓦丝艾克曼 - 说,每一项我们作出的努力使这所学校今年比去年好很多。

You know, last year, many, many children  Im talking about an estimation of 800,000 children  age school children  were affected by several crises: the crisis in the North with the jihadists, the nutritional crisis or floods. In the North, the ones that remained were displaced in other regions in the country. There were refugees in neighboring countries in Niger, Burkina Faso or Mauritania, she said.

“你知道,去年,很多很多的孩子,我估计有800,000个该上学孩子受到几次危机:危机来自北部伊斯兰圣战者,营养危机或洪水。在北方,危机则是在其他地区国家流离失所的难民。这些难民来自邻国的尼日尔,布基纳法索,毛里塔尼亚”, 她说。

Access is still limited in parts of Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu. Many of the schools lack basic necessities, like student benches.


She said, Almost all the benches in the North have been burned out. We are talking about providing notebooks and pencils to the kids, but also to the teachers. We are training 9,000 teachers on psycho-social support. Children have been totally traumatized. We are talking about new issues like mine risk education because we have unexploded mines in the northern Region.


Ackermans praised the Ministry of Education for taking the lead in the back to school campaign.


Its a nationwide intervention and we have to mobilize the communities and send the right messages. So its about communication and mobilization at the community level, she said.


The campaign also includes providing proper sanitation and health care for the children, and even proper birth registration.


In southern Mali, students will begin the school year October 1st. In northern Mali, students, whose education was disrupted by the conflict, are in an accelerated learning program. That wraps-up in mid-November, after which theyll begin the new school year.


Ackermans said that UNICEF needs $12 million for education in Mali. So far, though, there are pledges and commitments for only $4 million.


An educated child is becoming a citizen of his own country and of the world. This is one of the basic rights of every child. This is in the constitution in Mali  that every single child has the right to free education, to free quality education. We are far from there. We have to commit ourselves to work together on that.


Besides education efforts for children within Mali, the program extends to others who fled the country. There are about 43,000 children in refugee camps in neighboring countries.


Education is about bringing normalcy in life. We all know that. My message through you is also an excellent opportunity to remind us that war has a high cost. Now we have to invest in priority sectors and education is one of them, she said.

“教育使生活中常态化。我们都知道这一点。我的消息通过你也是一个极好的机会来提醒我们战争具有很高的成本。现在,我们必须投资主要领域,教育就是其中之一, ”她说。

Ackermans called education the cornerstone of Malis reconstruction. She asked, Whats a more visible sign of things going back to normal than a girl and a boy walking to school in the morning?

阿克曼称教育是马里重建的“基石” 。她问:“还有什么比男孩女孩们早晨上学更能说明社会恢复正常?”
