万花筒 2012-07-18&07-20 美墨边境惊现地下运毒通道(在线收听

 A new symbol of the threat to American families from the river of illegal drugs smuggled into this country from Mexico. A massive tunnel stretching from the heart of Mexico into the Arizona was unveiled today. It is a direct artery for what it's been a growing sea of illegal drugs. As of tonight, the number one drug being smuggled into the United States, Marijuana, over 2 million pounds a year. Second, Cocaine, third Methamphetamine, and ABC's Pirrie Thomas takes us inside the secret tunnel tonight. 

Today, ABC News was taking inside what authority say it's one of most sophisticated tunnels for smuggling they've ever seen. 
This is the tunnel right down here. 
ABC's News producer Ray Homan got a first-hand look inside. 
It's only about 4 feet high, at this end, I'm toed, it gets taller, maybe up to about 6 feet as it gets closer to Mexico. It stretches more than two football fields long, from an ice plant in sonara in Mexico to a nondescript commercial building in St. Louis Arizona near Yuma. Seems like there are, wouldn't be in(wooden beams) this every 12 inches in cell, very well-constructed. The tunnel took an estimated a year to build and cost more than a million dollars. 
It's a credibly advanced, I haven't seen one as sophisticated.
The tunnel allowed the Mexican cartel to smuggle drugs about tons into the US every day, and bring back loads of cash and guns. 
It also just happened to be only a block away from a checkpoint at border crossing. 
And those tons of drugs seized is only fraction of what are the cantles getting through by any means necessary,including in tunnels the government hasn't found. 
Pirrie Thomas, ABC news Washington.