英文歌曲:此曲只应天上有-唱诗班唯美演绎Lily Allen - Chinese(在线收听

此曲只应天上有:唱诗班唯美演绎Lily Allen - Chinese

介绍这首歌前小编先做一下科普宣传:这里的“Chinese”呢,指的是中国菜的外卖。原曲来自Lily Allen,那个有些玩世不恭、古灵精怪的英国姑娘。歌的内容不同于普通的情歌,说的是归心似箭的Lily在回家的路上,想象着到家后,和老妈聊天、遛狗、喝茶、看电视以及叫一份“Chinese”的快乐时光。

看过《放牛班的春天》的筒子们,一定会对电影中的童声合唱印象深刻吧?这次为大家推荐的唱诗班The Capital Children’s Choir 也不次于电影中那帮小男生噢,一起来欣赏他们唯美的天籁之音吧!

Artist:The Capital Children’s Choir

I see you from the sky
And I wonder how long it will take me to get home
I wait for an hour or so at the carousel
I have a cigarette to pass the time
Cause the traffic's hell
I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
You wipe the tears from my eyes
And you say that all that it takes is a phone call
I cry at the thought of being alone and then
I wonder how long it will take till I'm home again
I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
I know it doesn't seem so fair
But I'll send you a postcard when I get there
I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
