经典英文歌曲:华丽回归 王若琳 - 博尼的大冒险(在线收听

华丽回归:王若琳 - 博尼的大冒险

时隔两年,王若琳带着她的原创专辑《博尼的大冒险》回归乐坛。正如她的上两张专辑一样,这张全新专辑也充满惊喜。风格大转变,加入了许多古典音乐的元素,不变的还是若琳慵懒华丽的唱腔。主打歌“博尼的大冒险”英文原名“The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy”(校园男孩博尼的冒险),歌词奇妙有趣,仿佛给歌迷创造了一个童话般的世界。

The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy

What a drag O what a bore
There's nothing left to do but chores
A fine day has yet to begin
Already I feel grim
Just how shall I strategize
The plan to escape my demise
When everybody is asleep
Out my door I shall creep
And so our tale begins
The night's a waiting
The clock's a-tickin'
Come on wasting time's a sin
And one, two, tree, four
Five, six, seven, eight
Yes! one, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight
I want to scream,I want to prance
and I can dance s silly dance
Putting bugs in people's soups
Yes!That is what I do!
Swish and slash and I attck
I'v pulled some nansty pranks with tacks
Laughed at children until I shrieked!
Those squishy little squeaks!
Where does our journey end?
I don't know but until then
What wondrous things await?
I say one, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight
Yes! one, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight
