万花筒 2012-09-19&09-21 全国各地爆发反日示威游行(在线收听

 Anti-Japan protest continue to take place across China, escalating the issue. The publication of an editorial in a top Chinese state newspaper stating that it was every citizen's patriotic duty to protest the Japanese. Mass demonstrations are in response to a territorial dispute with Japan over a chain of small islands in the East China Sea. At times, their protests have turned violent, forcing several Japanese companies to shut down and hold their staff out of the country. From Beijing to Shanghai to Hong Kong, protestors took their anger out on Japanese businesses, including car makers Toyota and Honda and electronic manufacturer Panasonic. Responding to the violence, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the government would protect Japanese businesses and urge protestors to respect the law.

For NBC news.com, I’m Dara Brown.