

  S: Oh, the queue is very long.
  F: We can check in at Business Class over there.
  M: Airports are sad places.
  F: Sometimes, I guess. But. we'll send e-mails and call you regularly.
  S: I will call you as soon as possible when I reach Paris.
  F: Sometimes you feel so tired and can not concentrate, or cannot be fully adapted to the new environment. Don't worry. Many people may face the same problem in a foreign country. They feel alienated in the new culture in the first three months. It is just culture shock.
  M: It's bound to be like this at first. Generally speaking, most foreigners are very kind and tolerant. They also like to be judged fairly. Be honest to them and try to make friends with them.
  S: I know. But I still will feel homesick.
  M: I'm sure you'll be adapted to your new environment.
  F: You should depend on yourself instead of on mom and dad. You're a grown-up.
  1.concentrate 为动词,字母组合ate读作/e?t/,整个单词读作/?k?ns?ntre?t/。
  2.adapted 中的/d/在爆破音/t/前失去爆破,/d/不发音。
  3.culture shock 意为“文化冲击……
  4.be bound to 意为“必然,必定”。
  5.on yourself, on mom and dad 在这里重读,表示强调。
  Here is a duplicate/?dju:pl?k?t/ of the letter.
  He is going to give us an estimate./?est?m?t/
  I need to duplicate/?dju:pl?ke?t/ the letter.
  He is going to estimate/?est?me?t/ the cost.