万花筒 2013-03-25&03-28 男方上演“英雄救美” 吓坏妹子(在线收听

 -For anyone who抯 ever got on a really badfirst date, you thought that was bad, well, trust us, we are about to tell you,takes the cake.

--Yeah, this guy set up a scary attack, so he could come to the woman抯 rescue,save the day and be seen in her eyes as a knight in shining armor. Didn抰 quitework, ABC抯 Tanya Rivero is here with the story. 
--High, good morning, Dan and Bianna. We all know how tough first dates can be,but one Arkansan man must have been suffering from spring fever if he thoughtwhat he planned was a good idea. At least it was a date she will never forget.
Brianne Coots says the date begun nicely enough with a stroll down thispicturesque trail at a local nature center, but it quickly went downhill whenher date, 26-year-old Jeffery Siegel began texting furiously.?I told him thatit was getting cold and dark, and I want to go ahead and go back to the truck.擝ut if the texting was annoying, what happened next was downright terrifying. 揝omebodyattacked me and my friend.?揑 heard the leaves rustle, and a guy jumps up.And he has a really big knife with him. I抦 thinking this is like actuallyhappening right now. The guy comes at us and he is like: 憏ou can go, but yourgirlfriend stays.挃 Without thinking twice, Coots took off running. 揑went off this, like, cliff area, and I had caught some rocks at the bottom,because it was dark, I couldn抰 see very well.?Coots managed to call thepolice on her cell. 揝omebody attacked you??揧es. Please hurry!?
As they arrived, Siegel emerged from the woods with a cut on his arm and chest.According to the Jonesboropolice report, Siegel抯 wounds were suspiciously shallow. And duringquestioning, Siegel finally admitted he had staged the attack in an attempt toimpress Coots. He told police he never intended to go this far, 搃t just reallygot out of hand very fast.?
As for Coots, she says her dates withSiegel are one and done. 揑 could have easily broken something going off thatcliff, so I was definitely very upset. If you want to impress somebody, impressthem with the good stuff you can do, I mean, buy people flowers, have a goodjob, have a good education.?
--And we reached out to Siegel, but so far no response. The Jonesboro police said they decided not tocharge him with a crime since he admitted to being behind the fake attack, buthe is still in the dog house with Coots. She says, Dan and Bianna, she willnever speak to him again.
--Ok. So clearly it抯 not gonna be allowed, it to be a member of Mensa. But,isn抰 it flattering on some level for her? 
--Yeah, but she says what抯 wrong with flowers? You know, it抯?
--This is not flattering at all. 
--Stick to the try and true.
--I doubt he抯 gonna be the next bachelor contestant, that抯 all I have tosay.
--You won抰 be flattered?
--No. I would not. I抎 be a little angrier than she is.