万花筒 2013-05-29&05-31 美国童子军终结同性恋禁令(在线收听

 We're gonna turn on to the story historical decisionby the Boy Scouts of America. For the first time in its long history, theorganization will now admit openly gay scouts. The controversial change takeseffect next year and means some boys who had been banned will now be welcome,if not be welcomed. ABC's David currently has the story.

After 103 years, this morning the Boy Scouts ofAmerica is lifting its ban on gay members. 61 percent of the Scouts’ nationalleadership said,” it is time for change.”
“No matter how youfeel about this issue, kids are better off in scouting.”
Good news for PascalTessier,who has been a scout for nine years and is an openly gay, would have beenbanned from the highest honor, Eagle Scout.
“I guess I amslightly surprised, but I am also very, you know, proud of the fact that theleaders finally, you know, did change their minds.”
The program isexpected to lose sponsorships in as many as one in ten scouts.
“I'm pulling my son into the program very sadlyand this would probably be the last time I wear this uniform in public.”
Even for thelesbian mother who pushed for this change, this is only partial victory.
“This is what weare working for. It's a small step in the right direction, but it's huge inanother way.”
She will not beable to serve because the scouts did not lift the ban on gay adults beingleaders.