英语读物《神奇树屋》 第十四册 Day of the Dragon King 2 The Cowherd(在线收听

  "Oh, wow," Annie said. "These clothes feel so soft.

And look, I have a pocket for my secret library card."Jack opened his eyes. Their clothes had magicallychanged.

They no longer wore jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers.

Instead, they had on baggy pants, loose shirts, strawshoes, and round hats. Annie's shirt had a pocket in it.

Jack saw that his backpack had become a roughcloth sack. Inside were his research book, hisnotebook, his library card, and the bamboo strip.

"Cows," said Annie, looking out the window.

Jack looked out, too. The tree house had landed in alone tree in a sunny field. Cows grazed, and a youngman stood watching over them. At the edge of thefield was a farm-house. Beyond the house was awalled city.

"It looks so peaceful," said Annie.

"You can never be sure," said Jack. "Remember,Pompeii looked peaceful before the volcano went off.""Oh, yeah," said Annie.

"Let's see what the book says," said Jack.

He reached in the sack and pulled out the Chinabook. He opened it and read aloud:

Over 2,000 years ago, China was ruled by its firstemperor. Because he chose the dragon to be hissymbol, he was called the "Dragon King." In China,dragons are seen as brave and powerful creatures.

"Dragon King? That sounds a little scary," said Jack.

"I like his outfit," said Annie.

Next to the writing was a picture. It showed a manwearing a rich, flowing robe with wide sleeves. Healso wore a tall hat with beads hanging from it.

Jack pulled out his notebook and wrote:

First emperor called Dragon King"The book we need must be in the Dragon King'slibrary," said Annie. "I bet his palace is in that city."Jack looked up.

"Right," he said. "And that's how to get there." HePointed across the field to a dirt road that led to thewalled city.

"Good plan," said Annie.

She climbed out of the tree house and started downthe rope ladder.

Jack threw the China book and his note-book intohis sack, He slung the sack over his shoulder andfollowed Annie.

When they reached the ground, they startedthrough the field.

"Look, that guy's waving at US," said Annie.

The man tending the cows was shouting andwaving, He Started running toward them.

"Uh-oh, what's he want?" said Jack.

A moment later, the man stood in their path. Hewas young and handsome with a kind face.

"Can you do me a great favor?" he asked. "I wouldbe most grateful.""Of course," said Annie.

"Give a message to the silk weaver. You will see herat the farmhouse," said the young man. "Tell her tomeet me here at twilight.""Sure, no problem," said Annie.

The young man smiled.

"Thank you," he said. Then he started to leave.

"Wait, excuse me--" said Jack. "Do you know wherewe can find the Imperial Library?"A look of horror crossed the man's kind face.

"Why?" he whispered.

"Oh, I--I just wondered," said Jack. The young manshook his head.

"Beware of the Dragon King," he said. "Whateveryou do, beware."Then he turned and ran back to his cows.

"Oh, man," whispered Jack. "Now we know onething for sure.""What?" asked Annie.

"This place is not as peaceful as it seems," Jack said.
