学个词 Learn a Word-VOA英语教学 1861 be poised to(在线收听

1861 be poised to

今天我们要学的词是 be poised to. Be Poised to,意思是时刻准备着,准备就绪。美国联邦储备局决定暂时维持国债购买计划,但是表示,Officials at the Federal Reserve are poised to reduce the bond-buying program if they see more evidence of a strengthening economy. 如果经济恢复迹象明显,他们将随时准备减少购买国债。谷歌公司致力于一次零售业革命。Google is poised to open its own major chain of consumer retail stores. 谷歌准备2014年开启自己的零售商业链。好的,今天我们学习的词是 be poised to, be poised to, be poised to...
